Social media has truly exploded in popularity and importance in such a short time. In barely over a decade, social media platforms have transformed from a casual way to keep in touch with friends and family to major hubs for information, news, entertainment, advertising, and more. There are now more relevant social media platforms than ever before, and each one has business features that have expanded beyond recognition. 


If social media feels overwhelming, don’t worry–you’re not alone. And if you don’t have the time or energy to build a beautiful social media presence, that doesn’t make you a business failure. Lots of companies have dedicated social media managers that handle the business’s social media presence, from planning campaigns to scheduling posts to crafting creative content. If you haven’t considered the benefits of a social media manager for your business and your brand, here are a few reasons why you might want to start thinking about one:


Social Media takes more work than ever before


The massive increase in popularity and cultural importance of social media we’ve seen over the past decade is undeniable, and this means that the work that goes into managing an effective, popular business page on social media has seen a similar push upward. 


It’s no longer enough to just create a page on Facebook and post your daily discount. Nowadays running a business account on even one social media platform can mean posting fresh, relevant, professional-level creative content multiple times a day, navigating new features like stories or groups, responding to comments and private messages, tracking down and engaging with shared content, keeping an eye on what your competitors are up to, managing entire digital advertising campaigns, and far, far more. 


With this entire whirlwind of new responsibilities (and more arriving every day), it’s no wonder so many businesses hire a dedicated social media manager, or outsource the work to marketing agencies to handle it for them. Maybe you should too!


Experts bring the best results


Social media is no longer just another marketing medium amongst many others; it’s a requirement for marketing a successful business nowadays. These platforms may be well and truly overwhelming nowadays, but the benefit is that there’s more money to be made on these now-ubiquitous social apps than ever before. From the brand equity that comes from building a dedicated social media following to the exposure that you get from being on the same platform as all your customers, to direct sales leads that can be generated through social media advertising, a well-run social media strategy can pay off big time. 


But, the operative phrase here is well-run. If all the work outlined above sounds particularly niche and specialized, that’s because it is. You can put tremendous effort into trying to do it all, but if you don’t have the knowledge to navigate new platforms, ever-changing algorithms, real-time communications, and much more, this effort may be all for naught. That’s why having someone whose professional job is to know all these ins and outs can be a boon for your business–a strategic, effective, and well-managed social media presence can often easily outweigh the cost of hiring people with the talent to build your brand.


You have a business to run


Of course, you’re smart. You’ve built a business yourself, found customers, and kept it going through difficult times. Why isn’t this something you can just learn to do yourself and save money? Well, you certainly can do that. But the question is, do you want to? While in the past it’s been easy to poke fun of “social media managers” as just a job for young people to poke around on the internet, but in 2022, that’s so far from the truth. 


Social media management for even a small local business can be a part-time job, and for big businesses, it can often mean a team of full-time professionals. Do you want to spend time going through all the training and practice it takes to become great at every single aspect of social media management? Then, do you want to add hours to your workweek every week keeping up with your campaigns, responding to comments, and doing additional research? If not, a social media manager may be in the cards for you.

Your talent has built your business, and you know that it’s not something that can be done alone. With so much to attend to day in and day out without even beginning to consider social media, having dedicated professionals to help you manage this whole new marketing world is a useful and cost-effective way of continuing to build your business in the 2020s. And if you value expertise, Skol Marketing’s team is here to help. For full social media management covering everything from ideation to content creation to scheduling (with as much or as little involvement from you as you’d like), don’t hesitate to contact the social media marketing experts at Skol Marketing.