Small business owners have a very important role to play in the areas of business commerce and the economy, and yet face many unique challenges and opportunities that larger companies never have to worry about. While a larger business might be able to set aside hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for advertising, small businesses have to rely on word of mouth and conduct their marketing plans in a more focus, controlled way.

Getting the word out- small businesses and SEO:

The world of SEO is constantly changing, and small business owners might not think they have the resources or the know-how to perform essential SEO functions towards their marketing schemes. However, it is incredibly easy to optimize the content you already have on your website, blog, or social media sites, in addition to adding videos to YouTube. Video SEO is an underrated tool that can boost your search engine rankings quickly and quietly when done correctly.

Studies show that users and potential clients are more likely to react to a visual cue, like a short video or picture, than a long article or post about why your business is right for them. By providing them with a short, information piece of video content you can increase video engagement and steer more customers to your small business.

A well-rounded marketing strategy:

Small business videos don’t always have an incredibly high budget or particularly great production, but they can get your message across to your audience with a mix of sincerity and humor that small businesses should harness as much as possible. How-to videos are one way to convince people that your company fills a gap in their lives with a product, service or other essential function. Sharing these videos on many platforms from YouTube to Twitter, a small business’s Facebook page and more can expand the number of current and potential clients viewing it as well as increase the exposure of the small business through shares, likes and re-tweets.

Some small businesses find that operating their own YouTube channel can be a bit too much, but having a few go-to YouTube videos that explain what your business does and who you are can be an incredible boost in your overall SEO marketing plan.

The end of the day:

At the end of the day having a great SEO marketing strategy is more than just YouTube content or a well-done video; the combination of your online presence as well as traditional print marketing will be how your business gets noticed in a world full of advertisements. Adding in optimized videos to your marketing repertoire can be a helpful way to boost your search engine rankings, provide extra content on your other social media sites, and increase potential client interest in your company as well as keeping current clients engaged and interested in the things your company is doing. At the end of the day, spreading quality content and information is what it’s all about.