If your company is like most companies out there, it likely has a Facebook page set up (If not, Click Here and follow the instructions on Facebook). It is not uncommon to have created a Facebook page for your business. This can be a great place to start if you are a local business without a website. But what happens after you create it? Many businesses start it, maybe write a brief description but then they let it sit and never touch it again.
Facebook, like other social media, is a place to build your brand. If a customer visits a brand page do you want it to be completely empty, no information about your company or posts reflecting your business? Hopeful your answer is NO! If I visit a company Facebook page and they have never posted or haven’t in the last 6 months I immediately lose interest.
With this in mind, it is important to post throughout the week and update with current content. By keeping the content fresh on your page you maintain your brand and will feel comfortable sending fans to the page. It can be a commitment but it will help your overall online presences and strengthen your brand!
I know, you might be thinking “I don’t have time to manage this.” Don’t let your company Facebook page become a ghost town! Send me an email (Here) and we can talk further about our cost effective options available to manage your social media.
Marty McTigue
Skol Marketing