Blogging is not just for 16-year-olds anymore. It is not an electronic diary that keeps people abreast of your opinion on the world around you, although that can be one way in which some people chose to blog. However, blogging, in today’s marketplace, is a valuable internet marketing tool that, if used properly, will help increase your SEO quality and let people know that you are the go-to expert in your field. The question for most business owners is often where to start. Here are five tips that will help you begin your blogging journey.

Show Your Expertise

Writing a blog is a chance for you to show your expertise relating to your field of business. This is the perfect time to humbly brag. For instance, if you are an accountant, writing about new tax codes will be informative and showcase you as an expert to people looking for a tax accountant.

Consistency Matters

Your writing should always be on a consistent timeline. Develop a schedule and stick to it. People will look for your blogs once you achieve a following or clients and the internet will pick up on new postings as well, letting the new material add to your Search Engine Optimization. Furthermore, your content should be consistently on target for your intended audience.

Spread the Word

A blog is never a standalone piece. Make sure you put your blog out to the world through resources beyond your website, such as social media and email. The more reach you provide for your blog, the more return on investment you will notice. There is no such thing as too much publicity when it comes to your blog pieces.

Branding Is Important

Your blog is part of your brand. It should be attached to your business website, not through another site. It should include your logos, font, and colors. It should stand out as part of your business, wherein whoever is reading it knows it came from you. It should always include information to contact you to connect it to your brand in another reliable method. It is an extension of your business, not a business all on its own.

Have Fun!

Your blog is an opportunity to show a lighter side of your personality. While it should always be informative and professional, it does not have to always be proper. You can have fun with wording and ideas, letting the reader into your world and inviting them to take a journey with you. The more fun you have, while keeping it professional and informative, the more people will enjoy reading beyond the first two sentences. Remember, a blog is a chance to have fun, but, people do not want to read an entire book online. So, keep it short, sweet, and simple.

If you are opening your doors to your new business or are considering starting a blog for your current business, contact the experts at Skol Marketing at 612.787.7565 to help get you on your way. The Skol Marketing experts can help develop your website to incorporate a blog and even help you write the blog and post a link to it to all of your internet social media platforms.